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A large solar storm brought chaos to the telegraph system in 1859. On 1 September that year, English astronomer Richard Carrington observed one very extreme explosion of a group of sunspots through the image projected from his telescope.
\\n\\nSketch of the sunspots of 1 September 1859. Carrington observed patches of white light among the group of sunspots moving from points A and B to C and D before disappearing. (Source: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society)
This solar flare hurled at Earth a huge cloud of charged particles that arrived in just 17 hours and greatly interfered with the geomagnetic field. The resulting fluctuations induced large currents in telegraph wires, and sparks were also reported at stations in Paris and Washington DC. Most lines had to be closed in response. The Carrington Event is often portrayed as the worst-case scenario.
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