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2003: “Halloween” Solar Storm


The coronal mass ejection during the “Halloween” Solar Storm in 2003 caused damages to some satellites. Moreover, astronauts aboard the International Space Station were required to seek shelter from the elevated radiation levels.


During the solar storm, airlines that usually flew over the pole diverted their routes to lower latitudes. The storm caused transformer failures in South Africa, major HF radio blackouts, as well as a major loss of GPS accuracy. Airborne magnetic and geophysical surveys were delayed or cancelled. A maritime mission had to be cancelled due to communication interference. The storm also produced auroras visible in part of the subtropics as the resulting solar winds swept around the Earth.


\\\"0306_2003\\\"\\nA solar flare captured by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft as it erupted from the sun early on 28 October, 2003. (Source: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration).

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