(By Mr SHUN Chi-Ming, Director of the Hong Kong Observatory)*\\n\\nSpace weather is not necessarily a bad thing. It can also create some beautiful phenomena called aurora! The **solar wind** brings **charged particles** (mostly electrons) from the Sun. The electrons follow the Earth’s magnetic field and move down to the **polar regions**, where they collide with **oxygen** and **nitrogen** atoms and molecules in Earth’s upper atmosphere. **Oxygen** gives off **green or red** light while **nitrogen** glows **blue and purple**.\\n\\n![0306_aurora_2](./static/0306_aurora_2.png)\\n*(Source: NASA)*\\n\\nWe have the best chance to view aurora at high latitude of about 60 and 75 degrees, for example in northern Europe and Canada. When geomagnetic storms occur, the region of aurora expands toward the equator and it may even be seen in lower latitudes!\\n\",\n html: \"



Aurora in Tromso, Norway
(By Mr SHUN Chi-Ming, Director of the Hong Kong Observatory)


Space weather is not necessarily a bad thing. It can also create some beautiful phenomena called aurora! The solar wind brings charged particles (mostly electrons) from the Sun. The electrons follow the Earth’s magnetic field and move down to the polar regions, where they collide with oxygen and nitrogen atoms and molecules in Earth’s upper atmosphere. Oxygen gives off green or red light while nitrogen glows blue and purple.


\\\"0306_aurora_2\\\"\\n(Source: NASA)


We have the best chance to view aurora at high latitude of about 60 and 75 degrees, for example in northern Europe and Canada. When geomagnetic storms occur, the region of aurora expands toward the equator and it may even be seen in lower latitudes!

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