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Section 6.1.Introduction

The Hong Kong Observatory has established fixed and mobile radiation monitoring stations to monitor the environmental radiation levels in Hong Kong.
Fixed monitoring stations The Hong Kong Observatory has 12 fixed monitoring stations to measure the ambient gamma radiation levels in Hong Kong. Data are transmitted to the Observatory Headquarters in real time. The public can access the data on the Observatory's website.
Radiation Monitoring Stations
Radiation Monitoring Stations

Section 6.2.Equipment in the fixed monitoring stations

Fixed monitoring station consists of a high pressure ionisation chamber, a radio-iodine sampler, a high volume air sampler and a total deposition collector. The high pressure ionisation chamber is used for measuring the ambient gamma dose rates. Radioactivity measurements of the samples collected by the samplers are carried out at the King's Park Radiation Laboratory.
High pressure ionisation chamber
High pressure ionisation chamber

Radio-iodine sampler
Radio-iodine sampler
The radio-iodine sampler is housed inside a weatherproof cabinet and is used for collecting gaseous iodine in air.

Section 6.2.Equipment in the fixed monitoring stations

High volume air sampler
High volume air sampler
The high volume air sampler is used for collecting airborne particulates.

Total deposition collector
Total deposition collector
The total deposition collector is used for collecting airborne materials that are either deposited onto the ground or washed down by rain water.

Section 6.3.Mobile monitoring stations

The Observatory utilises an aerial radiation monitoring system on board a helicopter to conduct aerial surveys over Hong Kong and the adjacent waters, while two radiological survey vehicles are used for conducting radiological surveys on the ground.
Aerial radiation monitoring system

Helicopter containing the aerial radiation monitoring system
Helicopter containing the aerial radiation monitoring system

The system consists of a system control unit and sodium iodide type gamma ray detectors. The detectors can be used for detecting and tracking of radioactive plumes in the atmosphere or monitoring radioactive materials deposited on the ground. The system is installed on the Government Flying Service's helicopter and operated by the Observatory staff.
Radiological survey vehicle
Radiological survey vehicle
Radiological survey vehicle

The vehicle is equipped with instruments for sampling and radiation measurement. It regularly visits designated locations in Hong Kong to collect radiation data. During nuclear emergencies, the vehicle will be deployed to conduct radiological surveys along selected routes in Hong Kong.