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Section 5.1.Radiation protection

In daily life, most of the natural radiation cannot be avoided. However, when we are close to a radiative source, there are three simple ways to protect yourself from radiation:
1. Distance: Stay away from a radiation source as far as possible
2. Time: Minimize the time of exposure
3. Shielding: Use adequate shielding such as lead shield or lead-lined apron

If you visit a place involving the use of radiation, please follow the recommended safety procedures and do not enter unauthorized areas.

Section 5.1.Radiation protection

Countermeasures to reduce intake of radioactive substances To reduce doses due to intake of radioactive substances, the following basic countermeasures can be taken:
shortening time of exposure to contaminants
Shorten time of exposure to contaminants
preventing surface contamination
Avoid surface contamination
preventing inhalation of radioactive materials in air
Avoid inhalation of radioactive substance in air
preventing ingestion of contaminated foodstuffs and drinking water
Avoid consumption of contaminated foodstuffs and drinking water

Section 5.1.Radiation protection

If you suspect an object is a radioactive source, you should:
Stay away from it
Stay away from it
Keep other people away from it
Keep other people away from it
Do not touch or pick it up
Do not touch or pick it up

Notify the police immediately
Notify the police immediately
keep your hands away from your mouth and wash your hands immediately
If you have touched / stayed close to the object, or met people who may have been in contact with the object, keep your hands away from your mouth and wash your hands immediately.

Section 5.2.Decontamination

How to do radiation decontamination?
Taking the following measures can remove most of the contamination:
Change clothes
Change clothes
Wipe skin with clean tissue
Wipe skin with clean tissue

If not effective, then:
Take shower Take shower